To Shift From Uncomfortable

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Bonus Guide: What do I want?
Get some extra insights, ideas and tips on how to re-imagine your life. This resource will help you determine what you really, really want so you can follow your hearts desire.

Extra Ideas: Shifting not Drifting
This sheet has got great ideas and exercises about visualisations, exposure therapy and several other tactics. These will help you see your future more clearly and bring it into reality. And the exposure therapy will help you overcome the elements you need to address in your life to keep moving forward.

Added Extra: How to develop better appreciation and gratitude - the frequently overlooked superchargers
Appreciation can supercharge your results and increase levels of joy and happiness. These selected ideas compliment and build on the points made in the book.

Bonus Guide: A list of some of the more common goals to get you thinking
This list will stimulate your mind so you can come up with some initial goals you can strive for. We also touch on the Act As If concept to help you with using it to the optimal level. All this to get you started on your new life and the wonderful adventure it will be.

Chunking Cheat Sheet: How and when to use chunking to propel you forward
Chunking can make a massive difference in how you see the road ahead. It can also be an accelerator or a brake and determine your efficiency. So you want to get this right.

Sensational SMART Goal Gift: How to use this dynamic goal tactic most effectively
SMART goals can trip people up if not done correctly. But they don’t need to get in your way. We address common problems when setting SMART goals and how to overcome them.

You Will Learn How to:
Achieve AMAZING RESULTS in your career, finances, relationships and fitness
Create the EXTRAORDINARY LIFE you have always imagined. And do it NOW!
Get out of your own way and BECOME UNSTOPPABLE
Praise for Scott's Writing
“Keep writing, your work is a pleasure to read, thank you.” – Sarah Camacho
“I have to say I’m loving your posts. They are engaging, insightful and fun! Thanks for taking the time to write them up. I now just read yours and Seth Godin’s.” – Conor McCarthy
“I attended my first event last night and was very impressed with how it was run and with your presentation. I came away feeling very motivated and focused to achieve what I set out to in the next month.” – Natalie Game
“Loving your daily doses of inspiration. Thanks Scott.” – Angela Ahmed
“I am doing exactly as you suggested. Started by waking up early to make space in my day for my goals and dreams. I am going for a walk every morning and started learning Russian and also started contacting people on LinkedIn; I am loving all these adjustments in my life.” – Diana Franco
“Thank you a million for having changed my life already. I feel indebted to you. I hope your children know your true value and what you can bring to them. They are lucky to have you.” – Marc Hammoud
Get Your Copy of Achieve Anything
ORDER IT TODAY!Let Me Tell You More About The Book...
Achieve Anything is a life-changing book that helps you see how you can master your mindset, take action now and develop the critical habits that will help you deliver mind blowing results with anything you dare to achieve.
It is:
- Easy to read,
- Easy to understand, and
- Simple to implement.
That trio makes it easier to get the results you want!
If you follow the 7 simple steps in this book, you will pursue only those goals which matter to you, achieve them sooner and enjoy the process more.
You will learn about the knowing-doing gap, the expectation versus reality gap, the 7-Day Success Cycle and the MTO goal-setting method and how they, amongst others, will help you build strong habits to achieve your dreams.
If you have struggled to achieve everything you want, this is the time for you. This book will help you get comfortable, build your confidence and start to achieve anything you desire.
Read this book, put in the effort and watch your life change!

About Scott Gregory
Scott Gregory is an author, investor, entrepreneur, daily blogger, speaker and success coach who encourages people to reframe their thoughts and transform their lives. Using examples from his own life experience and that of others, Scott reveals a clear path to success by sharing his unique view on the power of process.
Scott grew up on a dairy farm in rural Canada dreaming of living a life full of adventure and achievements.
He went on to live and work on four continents, run marathons, learn languages, become an investment banker and a Senior Executive of a FTSE 100 company.
During that time, Scott also took some big breaks and spent more than two years travelling around the world. He’s hiked the heights of Mt. Kilimanjaro, dived the depths of the Great Barrier Reef and enjoyed the ups and downs of bungy jumping.
Scott wants you to achieve your dreams too!
He wants to ensure you achieve better results in your personal and professional life. For that reason, Scott has written this book to help you Achieve Anything.